Friday, July 28
> i love movies.
Its only times like this (when my bro isnt home yet), whereby i could use the computer. I wish he would stay out late often so i can have the computer all to myself, but i still preferred using the com in the comfort of my own room.
I woke up 2 hours ago from a mega nap. Meeting Adrian for movie in a while. Cant possibly waste my Friday night away heh? Ive caught a couple of movies with Kenny recently.
Just My Luck was typical, nothing very special, just pretty amusing. So i rate it 3 popcorns outta 5. The Lake House was good, a different feel compared to other romance story. Takes a little thinking and logic to piece everything right together. And i rate it 4 popcorns outta 5.
We're catching Tokyo Drift at 1230am. It better be good! Gonna rest and have fun for a few more days before i set my heart and soul into revising for the majors. Soon, i'll have to bid TP goodbye. Awwwwww.
Doesnt it suck when you're finally gonna give yourself a chance to believe in guys and love once again but only to realise that that guy you're interested to know further isnt interested in you?
Okae bye. Im gonna tie my hair up in a scorpion plaits.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:24:00 pm
Tuesday, July 25
> one entry sums it all.
Im still trying very hard to adapt to letting those lonely nights pass me by without the internet. Sad to say, i guess this will carry on until i move house and that will be in another few more months to go.
The whole of last week was extreme madness. I took a few good years to curb my bad temper and controlled myself before i get into a bitch fit or throw tantrum. But i guess all the recent screwed up situations triggered my attitude cells and multiplied at a really amazing speed. I could just blow my top off at anytime, sometimes even without anyone provoking me. Adding on to the girls' monthly problem, im now seen by others as one attitude problem kid, who is cocky and arrogant and everything else you could think of.
Yeah, maybe i was. Or probably i did show some attitude. But you know what? I dont think im the only one in the wrong and i see no reasons why i should just swallow everything that pisses me off so much and not say a single thing about it. Im sorry, but im no longer a girl that will just keep everything to myself even when i feel unjustified.
I have learnt the hard way, and to do things the hard way. Now, being a straightforward person, i say what i wanna say and do what i wanna do without thinking twice nor bothering about how others may feel. Selfish? Yes i know. But it beats better than being a hyprocrite, who only say things or complain about other people to other people and not in their own face.
Or maybe, i am really wrong to shoot my mouth off and blurted all things out. All was in a fit of anger, i should have thought through my big brains. Sorry to have made things even worst.
On a lighter note, the entire week was hell except Guang's birthday chalet and meeting up with Adrian, Clara and Reece.
Oh yes, before i forget, happy belated birthdays to Leanne, Guang, Bird, Zengwen and Alaric. So sorry Leanne i didnt make it to your birthday celebration. Bet you had a great time. =)
Things i did at Guang's chalet: talk cock, sing song, play mahjong, boom-o, water guns, sparkles, watching tv, falling asleep on the couch, barbecue, seeing him covered with satay sauce and apple juice and birthday cake and everything there.
It was fun, cos Guang is fun. Right or notttt?!
Met up with Adrian and Clara to Cosy Bay where Reece joined us awhile later. Had durians at Geylang for supper at a alarming price of $60 for 2 big durians. Wasnt even THAT tasty. But i still had a great time nonetheless, because as long as im not wasting time doing things associated with the hair show, all would be good.
I just came back home with mom, dad and sis after having Japanese food for lunch at the club and shopping at Ikea. Im so bloody tired i wanna go to sleep now.
And yeah, fuck you people who label me as being an attitude queen and hate me for that. Blame yourselves for being incompetent and unproductive and start wondering why people would show you attitude before you blame me for it, losers.
And one last thing. Im sorry to my bestie and sam for causing avoidable problems. Now, blame or hate me if you wish, because i deserved it.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:55:00 pm
Sunday, July 16
> short hiatus.
And so, my screwed up connection had finally decided to just die off. No more signing in and out of msn, irritating the hell of the users on my list. For now, i wouldnt be able to come online. Amazingly, i managed to survive these few days with no internet, no msn, no blog hopping, no nothing.
Been having late nights since Thursday. Getting brain damaged at the studio, going to Baybeats, Pirates of the Caribbean, modelling trainings, meeting up with Adrian etc.
I'll be back, i hope. Till my internet returns.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:21:00 pm
Tuesday, July 11
> Italy rocks ma world.
I told ya the Italians would kick those Germans' asses. The retarded penalty kick by Zidane was so uncalled for. Fucking dive. I was almost falling asleep during the second half of the match with the company of Raymond, Eric, my sis and her friends at my place last night (or rather early this morning) when suddenly Zidane did an uber zai move which got me stunned for a moment before i started laughing out loud.
My fever has not totally subside yet. Its still like on and off and my flu is just making it worst. So everyone's reaction when i said im sick was pretty expected. Things like "sick again?", "What?! Not again?" and "Get well soon".
So the projects deadline are just around the corner. My group have not even started on SAPM yet. The worst thing is, i dont even know how to start on it. I suck at that subject so badly i think im just a liability to the group. Bahh.
Since 010706, with the implementation of the new law, outside eating areas are now seperated into smoking and non-smoking area. To the government and non-smokers, this might be a brilliant idea, but for me, its just the exact opposite.
Everyone knows that its a good intention, and there are a couple of my friends who have decided to quit it. Whether its successful or not is another matter altogether. And there were some other friends who started asking me, "so when are you gonna quit smoking?". I shook my head and replied, "why should i?"
I know i should, and of course i should. But i dont have the motivation to quit it yet. Its still something i seek solace in. So weird but true. Oh whatever, that just doesnt matter.
bah im bored.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:21:00 am
Sunday, July 9
> amber's sick again!
And so, Portugal got terribly trashed yesterday. =(
I woke up early this noon to go over to my new house to seeseelooklook and design my new room and study room.
My study room is gonna be in lime green and my room in orange.
My nose is now like a brokened tap and it wont stop running. My fever is like on and off and my ears are always blocked.
And yeah, i forgot to thank Aloy for the panadols! And Hugen for bringing em up to me. Thanks!
I decided to skip school tomorrow because im not in the mood for it. Been feeling sucky the entire week. Dont ask me why. Probably because im feeling unwell. Been sulking all day long.
My internet connection is freaking screwed up.
Yesterday after the training in Jurong, Shalyn, Meiting and i cabbed down to town and had a late lunch before walking around. I spent again. Smack me please!
Met up with Adrian, Nicholas and Jonathan at Marine Square for dinner. Later that night, we made our way down to Mustafa. Its my second time there and its a really amazing place.
The Banana Boat tanning gel that i wanted (which Celine said its good) can no longer be found at anywhere else except Mustafa. And they have like tons of it. What amazes me even more is that they actually sell Hawaiian Tropic tanning lotion. The one i saw in Bangkok but didnt buy cos i thought Singapore sells them too. Its said to be really good and i got so upset because i cant find them in Singapore. And i found it in Mustafa. Its a must buy man!!
Had prata for supper before home sweet home.
I hope Italy would kick those French men asses tonight.
This is so random.
PS: Kelvin, i love you. muahahhaha.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:21:00 pm
> for my one and only.
Hello Kelvin, i know you'll be reading this someday. I promised you an entry today and im so gonna prove to you that i aint no liar, neither am i flirtatious because you know that you're my one and only and its you i love the most.
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath truly madly deeply do..
I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning. Yeah..Haa. Im so gonna drive you crazy. Pretty entertaining huh. Bahh, im just too bored. There's nothing to do online at this hour and i cant get to sleep.
Anyhoo, go Portugal go! Kick those german asses man!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:41:00 am
Thursday, July 6
> Just for you, alibaba!
For the sake of my one and only alibaba, who is currently serving the nation but yet uber free every day doing nothing except rotting in front of the computer, reading any blog he can link to and feeling bored, i shall do an update, just for him. Haa. Am i nice or what?
And so, all the late nights and insufficient rest had finally taken its toll on me. Im down with a slight fever, which has kinda subsided after taking a really cold icy bath and a flu that comes on and off. So in other words, im feeling both hot and cold. And that suck because its pretty irritating.
I skipped school again yesterday because i was really tired. It shouldnt be happening that way because my term test results suck pretty badly and i need to buck up and pull up my socks. I didnt manage to clinch straight As (well pretty expected), and ive gotten a freaking C for SAPM. My first C for term test. Job well done!
Time flies like a dashing train. Friday is here once again. My weekend is quite packed already and i had to reject Jeffrey's second 'date'. wahhaha! Tomorrow would be crashing my cousin's condo in Simei for a tanning session with Denise before celebrating my cousin's baby's 1st month. Hopefully i'll recover by tomorrow and the sun would be uber bright and shiny. Hopefully i would be able to wake up in time for school in the morning!
I need a strong tann badly. My new hair colour sucks on my current skin colour. Makes me look even fairer and super lian-ish. I need to get a good brown tann. It had better not rain tomorrow.
Some modelling training with Shalyn and Meiting on Saturday. Hopefully i wont screw it up because im sick and not trip and fall while walking down the runway. Haa! Imagine if i were to trip and fall flat on my nose with a loud thud. Total embarrassment man.
Tomorrow would be the big day. Byebye Delong and Leonard Tang! Er..have a great trip to Tekong and byebye Kerson and James! Have a great time being a commando. Haa! I cant wait to see Kerson and his bald head. kuakuakua.
So i guess that's just about it. I hope i had wasted another 5 minutes of your time, mr alibaba! See you sooooooonnnn.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:28:00 pm
Wednesday, July 5
> Tess's 19th birthday
Last Friday was a really busy day for me. So coincidentally, many different cliques of my friends had to celebrate their respective birthday(s) on that very day. And outta blue, people who havent been asking me out for some time had to ask me out on that day itself. And so, i was jumping from place to place to celebrate their birthday(s).
First, i met Raymond to go for Alex's birthday barbecue at East Coast in the evening. The weird thing is, i dont even know who Alex is. Initially i thought it was Mengmeng's barbecue. So i sat there for about an hour and left the place for the second birthday celebration.
Took a cab down to Boatquay with Kenny for Nicky's, Jerick's and David's birthday dinner at this place called Sizzling Hot. The food kinda suck and was pretty expensive. Havent seen the BBC for a freaking long time, but i left soon after dinner because i was freaking late for the next birthday celebration. We were supposed to meet at 8.30pm at Boatquay but everyone turned up only at close to 10pm. wth.
So i quickly hop on a cab down to Crew Room which was opposite Parklane. And to think i thought i was late because they were meeting at 10pm when i only reach at about 11pm. Only Synn and Tess were there. The rest were all late again.

So freaking happy because Sabrina finally turned up but such a pity Christina didnt. Hey babe, i kinda heard about what happened. Be strong ok? Love you!
Celebrated Tess's birthday with a bottle of Chivas and a bottle of Tequila. This time, i had a couple of Chivas green tea and almost 10 tequila shots within 2 hours. I was wasted.

My face is like so bloody red and they had to force me to take a picture when im trying to rest.

And Synn, took advantage of me while i was so high. Awwwwwwwwww.

Heh, a big birthday kiss and hug for Tess!
I puked like 4 times in total and i couldnt walk straight without the help of somebody. All thanks to Raymond who came down specially to pick me up. I felt so bad because i slept throughout the car ride and it was so comical because i had to force myself to wake up suddenly when there was a roadblock.
I woke up with a splitting headache and hangover the next day. So i missed the first 'date' with Jeffrey. Haa!
Oh, yesterday after school i met my mom and had our hair dyed. My hair is now shorter than before =( and i look like a freaking ahlian because of the colour =(( yucks.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:15:00 pm
Tuesday, July 4
> Ma Eye Candy.
Have you ever had an eye candy in school and would always look forward to seeing him or her? Yeah, i do. But everytime when i see him, i would look away and pretend that he doesnt exist. Probably because i dont know him. I dont even know his name. But it just felt weird and a tingling sour feeling when i saw him driving with another girl in the car after school. How very weird.
Anyway, eye candies will always only remain as eye candies. For the pleasure of my eyes only. There are so many eye candies around and always after some time, they just doesnt appeal to me anymore.
I look forward to every Mondays and Wednesdays. Cos those are the days i get to see that mr eye candy. heh.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:25:00 am
Sunday, July 2
> updates.
Long overdue pictures taken at Zouk at the private party with the sentosa gang.

We girls spent like ages in the toilet camwhoring and the guys thought something had happened to us. hiaks.
After zouk, the 6 of us continued to spent the night at The Penny Black with the guys vision glued to the television

while we girls camwhore for a short moment before joining them. It was an interesting match.

Friday was Sizhu's 19th belated birthday celebration at Crew Room (which is just beside Plasma), im so gonna get bored of that place. More updates on it when the pictures are ready.
Yesterday, i spent the whole noon sleeping before i met Kenny for dinner at Siam Kitchen followed by 4 hours of singing in Kbox till 2am. Just the 2 of us. Damn shiok cos we havent been spending time with each other for a freaking long time.
Went to the studio after that to look for Raymond. I think i found a new place to chill and enjoy. Its pretty relaxing when i lie there in the room, listening to them jam and play their music. But ironically, their music is super deafening.
Left the studio at about 4.30am. Was up till 5.30am before i try to sleep. Which of cos i failed once again. It sucks to have insomnia. Recalled Guang's idea to prank call people early in the morning to remind them to pee. So i did it, again. HAHA.
I called like quite a number of them, but either they didnt pick up the call, or they were not asleep yet. Only Jeffrey fell for my trick and woke up. HAHAHA. Damn funny!
And so, i just woke up and foresee great disturbance again tonight. I need some sleeping pills really badly. Bah.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:56:00 pm